Copyright Policy

Text Content

The licenses the use of all original text content located on the website under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. You are free to use our content anywhere according to the terms of this license.


Most images on our website are public domain or are licensed under free licenses, in which case the appropriate credit is given to the author of the work. However, do not automatically assume that you can use our images as some of them may require permission from the copyright holder to redistribute.


The licenses the use of its logo (shown below), and all variations thereof, on the condition that the licensee use the mark to point to the homepage,, or to other pages located on our website, if appropriate.

The retains full, unfettered, and sole discretion to revoke this license for any reason whatsoever or for no specified reason.

Copyright Infringement Notification

If you believe there is content on the website that violates copyright law, let us know. Specifically, send us an email or letter that includes substantially the following:

The notice should be sent to:

We may display a copy of your DMCA notice (or any other notice given to us) in place of the removed content.

The reserves the right to review the allegedly infringing material and independently determine whether it is infringing.

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