Get Paid for 3 Month of Drinking Beer

You would think that no one in their right mind pays people for traveling the world and drinking beer. If so, you are wrong.
While some occupations out there are, in fact, conducive to seeing the world and drinking a lot of beer, in those jobs you paycheck will regrettably come from performing some activity. But it does not have to be like that!
A restaurant group World of Beer is currently looking for three “Drink It Interns.” (I must confess, I loved the job immediately after I learned its name.)
According to the job description, your principal objective would be to travel across the country, consume beer, meet brewers and learn new things about the local beer culture. You will have to look for the most interesting types of beer and food out there and to share your findings with the world. The company says that they are searching for someone who wants to learn exciting new things about craft beer and breweries and to communicate this information to other people via the social networks. Apparently, the job will include traveling both inside the United States and abroad. They expect you to write engaging blog posts about beer and make amazing photos of the places you visit and beers you taste.
If you are looking to land this job, you should, of course, be passionate about beer and know you beer types and styles. For example, it may be a good idea to learn what is hoppy beer and other similar trivia before going to the job interview. In this, we hope that our website can be of some use to you.
You can apply for this job either online or in an in-person audition at one of the WOB taverns (the company currently has taverns in 20 states). Both options are called “option 1” in the job description on the company’s website, and it seems that you still need to submit an online application even if you choose to go to speak with them in person. From this, I conclude that the person who wrote the text appreciates beer a lot, and, perhaps, was enjoying a beer even while writing.
Clearly, applicants must be at least 21 years old, be U.S. citizens or possess a permanent U.S. work authorization. The job does not require full-time participation. Should you manage to persuade the company to hire you, you will get a $12,000 for your beer-related expenses, and you travel costs covered.