
Craft Beer and Yoga Go Well Together

A couple of days ago, we wrote about a study that found that drinking beer and working out go together well. Apparently, so are yoga and beer.</p> “Beer and yoga” classes (they are often called “yoga and beer” classes, but I feel that I have to set the priorities straight), are rapidly popping up all across the U.S. According to…


German Beer Purity Law to Celebrate 500th Anniversary

The German beer purity law, or Reinheitsgebot as it is called in the original German, was adopted in Bavaria in 1516—exactly five centuries ago. But is it, in fact, a celebratory matter? German Beer Purity Law Story The German purity law did two things: established a list of the ingredients allowed for use in the production of beer (hops, barley,…

Drinking Culture

Moderate Beer Consumption Becomes New Trend

Nearly three-quarters of millennials (people aged 21-35) say they prefer moderate beer consumption on their nights out. Average Beer Consumption Decreases A new survey, commissioned by Heineken and conducted by a behavioral insights agency, Canvas8, shows that 75 percent of people aged between 21 and 35 in the U.S., UK, The Netherlands, Brazil, and Mexico are usually limiting their beer…


Drinking Beer Helps You Get More Exercise

This may seem counterintuitive, but, in fact, there may be some merit in the idea of working out and drinking beer. At least, the results of a study by the scientists at the University of Miami heavily hint that people who drink more beer tend to exercise more. Beer and Exercises Drinking beer and working out are, as scientists like…

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